Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts

How to Access Blocked Websites, View Restricted Sites

How to Access Blocked Websites, View Restricted Sites

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Most of us find ourselves in situations where a website we wish to visit is blocked by a software or by our ISP (Internet Service Provider). So the question arises, how can we access blocked websites? The answer to this is simple: Proxy websites. Before going into details, let us know a bit about these proxy websites. 

Proxy Websites

A proxy website acts as an intermediate source between the user and server the site being contacted is hosted on. Users send requests to proxy websites which conveys them to the site's server. The reply received by the proxy website is then forwarded to the user's computer. This gives an impression to ISP's and blocking software that the user is visiting the proxy website but in reality, s/he is visiting the site which was blocked. Thus, proxy servers also provide extra security to users by hiding their online activities from their ISP's.

Acess Restricted Websites

Commonly Blocked Web Sites

The sites which are most commonly blocked at workplaces, schools and offices include websites likeFacebook, Orkut, Blogger (blogspot), Google News, Typepad, eBay, MySpace, YouTube, MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, Bebo, Google Talk, Gmail, Photobucket, AOL AIM, Flickr, Twitter etc. In some countries, social bookmarking sites like Digg and Reddit are also blocked. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China have even blocked access to mainstream media websites like The New York times. A proxy website can be used to easily access these blocked websites. As proxy websites hide a user's location, they can also be used to access popular websites which are restricted to particular countries and block users from other countries from visiting them. 

Types of Proxies

There are two types of proxies. First, there are web proxies which have an interactive interface; and second, the proxy servers which work on the basis of IP Addresses and port numbers. Proxies can also be segregated on the basis of anonymity into Anonymous, Transparent and High Anonymous depending upon the amount of privacy they provide.

How to Find Proxy Websites and Proxy Servers

A simple Google search containing the word "proxy websites" is likely to return a lot of useful results. However, most of them are likely to be lists containing proxy servers which you can setup using their IP Address and Port Number. So, in order to find interactive proxy websites, you will have to search for something like "Facebook Proxy Server" or "Orkut Proxy Server". A search like this is most likely to return interactive proxy websites with which you can access your blocked website by simply entering the URL in URL field. If you want additional security and anonymity, you can opt for a paid proxy server.

If you do not want to search, here are few popular free proxy websites you can use:-


How to access Blocked websites

How to Setup Proxy Servers using their IP Address

If you wish to visit your blocked website using a web proxy, you do not need any setup. However, if you wish to use a proxy server that can only be accessed by using its IP address and port number, you must configure your browser to use it. Follow the instructions given below to setup this type of proxy in your browser:-

Google Chrome and Internet Explorer Users

Google Chrome uses the same network settings as Internet Explorer. So, in order to configure Google Chrome to use a proxy server, you have to configure Internet Explorer. You can configure a proxy server in Internet Explorer by following the instructions given below:-

  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on ToolsInternet Options.
  3. Click on Connections Tab, select your Network Connection and click on Settings.
  4. Check on Use a Proxy Server for this Connection.
  5. In the Address field, add the IP Address of your Proxy server. In the Port field, enter the Port Number.
  6. Click on OK and OK again.

Mozilla Firefox Users

Mozilla Firefox users can configure their browser to use a proxy by following the instructions given below:-

  1. Start Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on ToolsOptions.
  3. Click on Advanced Tab.
  4. Click on Network tab.
  5. Click on Settings.
  6. Encircle Manual Proxy Configuration.
  7. Enter the IP Address and Port Number at the appropriate place. In most cases, it will be a HTTP server.  
After you have successfully configured your browser to use the proxy server, you will be able to access blocked websites whenever you browse the internet with your browser.

Test Your Internet Speed

Test Your Internet Speed

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In many cases, you will need to see how fast your internet connection
and this page is dedicated to giving you some tools to use to check your connection speed.

Here are a couple of safe places to test your download and upload speeds:

The Internet of things-the inevitable future?

The Internet of things-the inevitable future?

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Technology never fails to bring us exciting developments and always promises to make our lives better. In recent years, there has been an explosion of creativity and technological innovation, with bold projects undertaken in all corners of the Earth: from wireless power, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, and gamification automatic recognition of content by mobile robots and-the topic of this post-Internet of things, or, as some call it, the Internet. Sounds great? Well, it's probably because it is. The promise of this feat is nothing short of changing the game, with the ultimate goal of bringing all inanimate objects to life, so truly Frankenstein-esque.

What is the Internet of things?

What are the characteristics of the Samsung Galaxy S4?

What are the characteristics of the Samsung Galaxy S4?

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New York, United States of America (CNN) - A company Samsung for her new Galaxy S4, which was revealed at a ceremony on Thursday, to be the last versions of the giant company, and becomes the first phone operating system Android rival network device Apple, iPhone.

And there are a lot of properties, which enables users to control device, without the need to touch, including:

- Air View: This feature enables users of the device enlarge images or material displayed on the screen by moving your fingers in the ambient air sensors of the device, without the need to touch.

Show strangest image optical illusions in the world profit creator million dollars

Show strangest image optical illusions in the world profit creator million dollars

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This image is of the finest and strangest images in the world, the photographer used a technique exposure timetable, once you move the mouse on the time changes from day to night and vice versa as if you have mastered time and time and by simulating the sun rise. The profit creator million dollars in van Gogh's competition for talent in Italy saw the picture and move the mouse to the bottom and top on the image to mimic the rising sun

How to carry the content of any site and put it on your computer

How to carry the content of any site and put it on your computer

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You may want to browse a website later without the need for an Internet connection, but you do not know the correct program that can help you with that. In fact there are many programs that you can help you, and that you copy the content of the site and put it on the hard drive of your computer, in another way, "download the site's content and put it on your computer" so you can browse the site's content without the need to connect with Internet connection.

About me

Samir Drissi 31, Web developer, designer,blogger,passionate by the world of web.

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